Center for Post Traumatic Growth
Healing Hearts and Souls
Mission: to promote and support the healing of veterans, first responders, and their families from Moral Injury and Post Traumatic Stress.

Understanding & Healing Moral Injury in People of Service:
Veterans, First Responders & Medical Personnel
What is moral injury? We have finally come to understand that individuals who have been exposed to trauma often exhibit symptoms beyond anxiety and hyperarousal. At its core, Post Traumatic Stress (PTS) is more than anxiety and hyperarousal. We have repeatedly observed that deeper core issues exist and are typically the most distressing to traumatized individuals.
These are unresolved loss, guilt and shame now termed Moral Injury (Shay 1994, Litz, et al. 2009). The information contained in this book is the culmination of 20 years of treating traumatized veterans and first responders. Unlike many psychotherapeutic approaches which were conceptualized by researchers or theorists, this program is an integration of what veterans have taught us about the emotional wounds they carry and how best to treat these injuries.
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We will share some stories of the injuries, the redemption, and the transformation of relationships when these issues are resolved. These shifts reflect a fundamental change in how our service members and first responders are able to carry their traumatic experiences signaling the resolution of moral injury.
All of the proceeds from this book will go directly to the center for Post Traumatic Growth, a non profit organization which treats veterans, first responders, and their families from moral injury and post traumatic stress. 501(c)3 EIN# 462962589.
Thank you for supporting our Heroes!
About The Center for Post Traumatic Growth
At the Center for Post Traumatic Growth (CPTG) we promote and support the healing of combat veterans, first responders, and their families, from moral injury and trauma.
The field of mental health has only begun to recognize the role of moral injury in the suffering of veterans and others. Yet, despite all of the discussion and recent writings regarding the concept, very few interventions have been developed to address moral injury directly. The current evidence-based treatments have been developed to address the symptoms associated with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), but they fall short in addressing the core issues of moral injury including unresolved loss, guilt, and shame
Supporting All First Responders In Their Journey
The Center for Post Traumatic Growth’s goal is to help all first responders recognize and recover from their moral injuries.
We aim to provide support for firefighters, police officers, veterans, active duty soldiers, EMTS, emergency operators, their families, or anyone in need of assistance finding resources and support for their Post Traumatic Stress and Moral Injuries.
The Center for Post Traumatic Growth provides outreach, training, and education that will facilitate the reintegration of veterans, first responders, and their families into the community and to promote greater understanding in the general public about their experiences and our mutual responsibility to heal the wounds of those who serve us.

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Meet The Team
Our mission is to promote and support the healing of veterans, first responders, and their families from Moral Injury and Post Traumatic Stress.